Arts and culture
These are the proposals that came out of our people’s assembly on culture held on 22 one in Hove
Fund holiday activities for all children – youth sailing trusts, theatre, music – 3 weeks each summer
Support community theatre groups
Create community spaces in all neighbourhoods as spaces for non-commercial, grassroots culture
Reduce working week to 4 days so people have time and energy to engage in culture
Universal basic income to replace many means tested benefits – much cheaper to administer and far less demeaning
Create funded arts apprentices for low income young people
Treat the arts as an essential part of British economy and national life
Make high arts and culture accessible through compulsory affordable ticketing for all events, eg ballet, opera, theatre.
Include music as part of compulsory school curriculum. Fund music, art and drama in school timetable, not as extracurricula.
Make creative GCSEs compulsory as well as STEM. Arts and sciences to have parity in education
Decolonise the curriculum and education system. Teach the British Empire and colonialism objectively and critically.
Teach politics from the age of 10 – understanding key political movements and history eg socialism, birth of democracy, feminism, gay rights, black power movements, anti-colonial movements, slavery.
Teach critical thinking and philosophy to all students
Libraries – offer free music lessons, drama, art.
Arts – diversity within literature, arts and humanities, with teaching of global cultures.
Stop measure based targets for success
Adult education with everyone allowed to take one-year, and short term funded sabbaticals during working life.
End academisation – bring schools back into local authority control
Universities – abolish fees and restore direct funding of universities and education grants. Cap student rents. End private control of universities.
Ensure full access to education for people with special educational needs, neurodiversity, and disabilities
Recognition of play as a necessary means for learning
Match UK budget for the British Council and the Arts to the defence budget (2.5% of GDP)